Allianz’s 6 Best Health Insurance, All You Need To Know

Allianz Best Insurance for Family Protection – Insurance is a support for family protection. Insurance is also very diverse in types and products. Starting from life insurance, health insurance, car insurance and other insurance products.

What is Allianz Insurance Indonesia?

This time we will discuss insurance that we have often heard. What is it? Allianz Insurance is a leading insurance company in the world with more than nearly 130 million customers, both personal customers and corporate customers.

Allianz has been working together in Indonesia since 1981 which Allianz named it PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia and is a general insurance company.

Allianz Indonesia already has more than 1000 employees and also 40,000 salespeople, and has also worked with various banking companies and other distribution partners to serve more than 10 million customers in Indonesia.

Allianz Indonesia is officially licensed and directly supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) with the issuance of PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia Business License Number: 513/KMK.071/1996. PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia. Business License of PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia Number: Kep. 238/KM.13/1989.

What are the Allianz Insurance products?

In this case the party from Asuransi Allianz Indonesia will provide protection for your family. So that you and your family can prepare for the future safely and calmly.

Allianz Insurance products include the following:

1. Individual Insurance

Providing solutions for your family insurance protection so that your financial condition is guaranteed in the future.

– Life Insurance

This product includes smartlink Flexi Account plus, smartlink new Flexi Account and Allianz pasti.

– Health Insurance

This product includes smartmed primer, smarthealth Maxi violet, allisya care, smartmed cancer, and smarthealth care primer plus.

– Additional Insurance

This product includes critical illness protection, health protection, life protection and permanent disability and protection for premium payers.

2. General Insurance

Provides insurance protection solutions to support your daily life such as driving, traveling and building a dream home.

– Vehicle Insurance

This product includes My Car Insurance and Automobile liability by offering advantages will provide protection for you from third party lawsuits from traffic accidents, benefits for you up to 500 million rupiah and 24-hour service.

– Building Insurance

This product includes Rumahku Plus and Allianz Usahaku which offers complete and reliable coverage for you if you want to have a dream home and will protect your business continuity from lawsuits.

– Travel Insurance

This product includes Travel pro, annual travel pro, allisya new travelpro and travelpro group.

3. Group Health Insurance

There are 6 insurance products offered, as follows:

– Financial Institution

Pension Fund is a pension fund program for companies and employees. In addition, this program is also a severance program.

– Allianz Global Benefit

Designs solutions and benefits for international employees in the areas of corporate life, retirement and health. Allianz Global is based in Stuttgart, Germany.

– Smart Health is a product that offers hospitalization, control for pregnant women until childbirth.

– Smart Protection

Offers full 24-hour protection for employees both during working hours and outside working hours.

– Smart Finance

Aims to Allianz and the company together will support employee welfare.

– Smarthealth Enterprise

Will provide benefits in the form of hospitalization, outpatient care, dental care, childbirth, and glasses.

4. Sharia Insurance

Sharia insurance products offered are as follows:

– Protection Plus Insurance

Will provide maximum protection when you are beside your family until you have passed away.

– Allisya maxi fund plus

Planning a prosperous and blessed life for your future.

– Allianz Tasbih

Planning in the form of stages of Hajj funds for those of you who want to perform this last pillar of Islam which will be realized.

– Wakaf feature

Voluntary and very beneficial for the benefit of the community and the value developed with Islamic sharia principles.

– Allisya Aman

Useful if you are in critical illness and the payment period is shorter and safer.

– Allisya care premiere plus

In the form of stages if you want to face problems about you and your family’s health and health completeness offers will be guaranteed.


Thus is a brief review of Allianz Insurance starting from the history of its establishment to various kinds of Allianz superior products offered to customers. Hopefully this article can be useful for you and your family. See you.

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About the Author: admin

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